Infographic on ice cores

The DEEPICE project has released an infographic and a series of resources that explain ice-core science in an accesible manner. These graphics are available for communication and educational purposes! This includes a cool Factsheet about coring for 1.5 million year old ice, and infographics about ice core science.

The DEEPICE and Beyond EPICA scientific community aims to understand what happened the “Mid-Pleistocene-Transition”, between 0.8 to 1.2 Million years ago. During the MId Pleistocene Transition, the rhythm and intensity of ice age cycles changed dramatically, and ice-core scientists are trying to understand this major shift in climate.

You can view the infographic below!

2 thoughts on “Infographic on ice cores”

  1. In cutting of ice cores is the core barrel bort diamond, tungston carbide or other?
    When drilling ice cores what studies historically show the volumes liberation of gases lost as typified in any drilling procedure
    and what is the percentage of lost gases and as a function of overburden pressure in normalized geopressured gradients?
    Your references appreciated.

  2. Ahhh, this infographic on ice cores is fascinating! Understanding the science behind ice cores is crucial for comprehending our planet’s history. Speaking of science and education, services like have been invaluable in helping me create engaging educational content. They also have very nice free examples and useful tools. Kudos to the DEEPICE project for making complex science accessible to all!

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