Glacial ArcGIS Stories

There are many ArcGIS Story Maps around. Some are better than others; some take too long to load or are not well thought through. But some are excellent.

Asia’s melting glaciers

This well made Storymap focuses on melting glaciers in High Mountain Asia, and the impact this will have on water resources.

Who owns Antarctica? Antarctic geopolitics

This excellent and well presented, professionally built StoryMap illustrates who owns Antarctica and introduces the Antarctic Treaty.

Territorial claims of Antarctica.

Glaciation: past, present and future

This great ESRI Storymap introduces glaciers in the present day and at the Last Glacial Maximum. It uses shapefiles from resources like GLIMS or the Randolph Glacier Inventory, and the Global LGM shapefiles from Ehlers and Gibbard. It’s well made and up to date. It also uses the BRITICE map to introduce glacial landforms across the British Isles and the LGM and Younger Dryas in Britain.

Glacier lake hazards in Alaska

This ArcGIS Story by the Alaska Climate Science Centre is better than most. It’s all about glacier hydrology and glacier lakes in Alaska. The videos and pictures are well made, and interspersed with explanatory figures.

Alaska Climate Science Centre ArcGIS Story Map

Disappearing Glaciers

A nice, well illustrated, introduction to glacier recession and mapping glacier change over recent decades.

Disappearing Glaciers Story Map

The recession of Glacier National Park Glaciers

This is a great introduction to using imagery to track and map glacier recession from 1966 to the present day.

Recession of Glacier National Park Glaciers

Glacial Landforms Story Map

This ESRI Story Map introduces a host of glacial landforms. It was a little slow to run for me, though.

Glacial Landforms Story Map

An Introduction to Sea Ice

A lovely storymap that introduces and illustrates sea ice, with illustrations of how it changes with the seasons at both poles.

ESRI StoryMap: An Introduction to Sea Ice

Mapping Mount Everest

This storymap, by Alex Tait from the National Geographic Society, tells us all about Mount Everest and how we map it, with some beautiful graphics.

Mapping Mount Everest

Glacial Landforms of Snowdonia

A straightforward storymap that highlights the glacial landforms in Snowdonia.

Snowdonia Story Map

Connecticut’s landscape is the story of glaciers

Learn about the glacial landforms of Connecticut.

Connecticut’s glacial landscape

The River Tees from Source to Mouth

More fluvial than glacial, but this is a very nice storymap that covers the River Tees. It is suitable for pre-16 as well as post-16 education.

Further reading

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