Biography | Contact details | Selected Publications |
I am a geologist with a current focus on using marine geophysics to understand past landscape evolution and glacial dynamics. Using datasets collected by the offshore wind industry for site investigation, I study the stratigraphy and sediments of the subsurface. Seismic reflection profiles, needed to characterise ground conditions for cost-effective wind turbine foundation placement, reveal the recent geological history of the submerged landscapes. Dogger Bank, in the North Sea, tells stories of the margin of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet, then a landscape dominated by marshes and rivers, followed by sea-level rise inundating the land and changing coastal dynamics.

Contact details
Email: A.R.Emery [at]
Twitter: @AndyDoggerBank
Selected publications
Emery AR, Hodgson DM, Barlow NLM, Carrivick JL, Cotterill CJ, Phillips E. 2019. Left High and Dry: Deglaciation of Dogger Bank, North Sea, Recorded in Proglacial Lake Evolution. Frontiers in Earth Science 7
Emery AR, Hodgson DM, Barlow NLM, Carrivick JL, Cotterill CJ, Mellett CL, Booth AD. 2019. Topographic and hydrodynamic controls on barrier retreat and preservation: An example from Dogger Bank, North Sea. Marine Geology 416
Swindles GT, Galloway JM, Macumber AL, Croudace IW, Emery AR, Woulds C, Bateman MD, Parry L, Jones JM, Selby K, Rushby GT, Baird AJ, Woodroffe SA, Barlow NLM. 2018. Sedimentary records of coastal storm surges: Evidence of the 1953 North Sea event. Marine Geology. 403, pp. 262-270
Phillips E, Hodgson DM, Emery AR. 2017. The Quaternary Geology of the North Sea Basin. Journal of Quaternary Science. 32(2), pp. 117-339