This Storymap series produced by esri UK and the Met Office explores the impact that modern-day climate change will have on the UK. The series investigates six key areas where climate change will cause the most disruption, which includes fire, flooding, agriculture, transport, energy, and health.
When studying the effects of climate change in glaciated landscapes, it is important to understand how our local environment will react to the same climatic changes.
Four types of wildfire occur in the UK: heath fires, moor fires, grassland fires, and arable crop fires. How will climate change impact the risk of future wildfires? Use this Storymap to explore the risk of wildfire where you live, and understand how climate change could change this.
This great Storymap introduces the three types of flooding, river flooding, surface water flooding, and coastal flooding. It also assesses how our lives could be affected by future increases in flood events, and how we can manage flooding risks.
Future climate change can put agricultural productivity at risk, through increasing temperatures, flooding, and a greater number of pests. Farmers will need to adapt by using new methods and technologies to combat the problems produced by climate change. But how will they do this?
Transport and climate
Climate change is likely to cause hotter summers and wetter winters. Increased extreme weather events will put extreme stress on our rail and road networks. The Storymap below explores these challenges and proposes schemes to adapt to the changing weather.
If we want to achieve net zero carbon emissions, the UK will need to adapt the way we produce electricity to aim for a more renewable future. The following Storymap assesses the current energy use in the UK and introduces the actions that will need to be taken to reach net zero.
How will climate change affect UK health? Climate change doesn’t just impact the environment, it also has negative consequences for human health. This interactive Storymap explores the health concerns caused by climate change and proposes solutions to protect our health.