Other relevant articles
- Glacial Cirques in Snowdonia
- Upland Cirque Glacier Landsystem in Britain
- Alpine Icefield landsystem of upland Britain
- Plateau Icefield Landsystem of the UK
- Glacial erratics
This GIF shows the evolution of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (of which Britain was a part). This animation is based on an ice-sheet reconstruction using glacial geomorphology and geochronology (Hughes et al., 2016).

This video introduces the land bridge that was present between Britain and France during glacial periods. A large glacial lake formed north of the land bridge.
The landbridge was destroyed during the Anglian glaciation, some 400,000 years ago.
Further reading:
- Explore the glacial landforms of Britain using the BRITICE map
- Learn more about BRITICE V2 and download maps of glacial landforms of Britain.
- BGS page on the last British-Irish Ice Sheet
- BRITICE-Chrono website