Professor Neil Glasser is a glacial geomorphologist at Aberystwyth University researching glacial landform development, glacial sedimentary processes and dating glacier fluctuations. He holds research grants from NERC worth over £400k. He has overseas fieldwork experience in Greenland, Antarctica, Patagonia, Svalbard, Peru, Nepal, Norway, Sweden and Iceland. He has twice been a member of the NERC Peer Review College (2005-2008; 2012-present), a member of the NERC Moderating Panel for Antarctic Funding Initiative (2004, 2005 and 2009) and a member of the Steering Committee for the NERC Cosmogenic Isotope Analysis Facility (2007-present).
Recent Employment and Roles
December 2011-present: Dean, Faculty of Science, Aberystwyth University
Sept 2011-Dec 2011: Director, IGES, Aberystwyth University
Sept 2008- Dec 2011: Deputy Dean, Faculty of Science, Aberystwyth University
Oct 2006-present: Professor of Physical Geography, Aberystwyth University
Jan 2005-Oct 2006: Reader, Aberystwyth University
Oct 2002-Jan 2005: Senior Lecturer, Aberystwyth University
Apr 1999-Oct 2002: Lecturer, Aberystwyth University
President of the Sub-Commission on Glaciation for INQUA 2008-2012.
Scientific Editor for the Journal of Glaciology, 2000-present.
Member of Editorial Board of Quaternary Science Reviews, 2005-2007.
Editor of Quaternary Science Reviews, 2007-present.
External Examiner (BSc Physical Geography), Liverpool University, 2008–2011
External Examiner for 7 PhD students and Internal Examiner for 5 PhD students.
Supervision Experience: 10 completed PhD students, 4 completed MPhil students and 7 further PhD students currently within registration period.
Selected Publications
Carrivick, J.L. Davies, B.J., Glasser, N.F., & Nývlt, D., in press. Late Holocene changes in character and behaviour of land-terminating glaciers on James Ross Island, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology.
Davies, B.J., Glasser, N.F., Carrivick, J.L., Hambrey, M.J., Nývlt, D. & Smellie, J.L., in press. A semi-arid polar landsystem model for James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula. In: Hambrey, M. J., & Tranter, M., Antarctic Palaeoenvironmental Evolution and Earth Surface Processes. Geological Society of London Special Publication.