
SCAR Fellowship

I’ve been awarded a SCAR Fellowship! I will be visiting the Antarctic Research Centre at Victoria University of Wellington to research the impacts of Holocene climate change on small glaciers on James Ross Island. We will use this information to attempt to predict their future behaviour. I will be a visiting SCAR Fellow for 5 …

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SCAR-OSC: Tom Bracegirdle

Dr Tom Bracegirdle from the British Antarctic Survey presented a plenary at the 2012 SCAR-OSC, where he showed us his projections for climate change and sea level rise over the next 100 years from his modelling experiments.

ISMASS Workshop (SCAR2012)

Busy day at the ISMASS Workshop here at SCAR 2012 (see here: ISMASS website). There were invited lectures from a number of prominent scientists, including Erik Ivins, Pippa Whitehouse, Jay Zwally, Catherine Ritz, Slawek Tulaczyk, Catia Domingues, and Robert Nicholls.  For me, two talks stood out as exceptional.

SCAR conference

In just a couple of weeks, I am going to the SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) conference in Portland, Oregon.

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