Geography for post-16 education

Geography for post-16 education

This website has many resources for Geography and Geoscience students and teachers at the post-16 level (A-Level in the UK). Across the website, pages that are especially useful for A-Level are highlighted with a yellow flash, which will help guide your reading. The pages here will help you find the content you’re looking for.

For more information, you could also check out the following pages:

There is also information on writing essays, advice on Photography, and the ability to ask me any question you like. There’s also a wide range of educational resources on our Links page.

1 thought on “Geography for post-16 education”

  1. Harris Saddique

    I am a year 12 student from Doctor Challoner’s Grammar School in Buckinghamshire. During my Geography GCSE I became particularly interested in studying Antarctica so for my Extended Project Qualification I decided to pursue it further.

    My project is “What are the consequences of not protecting Antarctica Economically, Environmentally and Politically?”

    With the Antarctic Treaty having a huge gap in addressing climate change, governments and organisations from across the world are currently struggling to adhere to the 1.5 degrees celsius climate change target. I would be very grateful if you could provide me with your opinion of what recommendations/changes you would like to see in the following three categories to ensure protection of this continent:

    A) Economical
    B) Environmental
    C) Political

    Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated and will make a huge difference to my project, even a few short sentences would be amazing as I appreciate you must be very busy.

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