Free talks about Antarctica

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Introductory/GCSE/14 years+

This video, produced by Time for Geography and starring Dr David Small and Dr Bethan Davies, introduces the key concepts of floating versus land ice in Antarctica, and how this will contribute to sea level rise.

In the video below, watch Dr Bethan Davies (glaciologist) and Dr Huw Griffiths (marine biologist) discuss krill and their important role in Antarctic food webs.

Watch this brief introductory video, made by Time for Geography with Bethan Davies and Simon Cook, about glacier mass balance. This is suitable for GCSE and A-level students.

Video on glacier mass balance by Time for Geography

A-Level / post-16

This introductory lecture (21 minutes) introduces Antarctica, climate change and geopolitics with Dr Bethan Davies and Professor Klaus Dodds. This video is suitable for A-Level and post-16 students. You can also learn more about territorial claims in Antarctica in this excellent ESRI StoryMap.

In the video below, Bethan Davies and Ella Gilbert discuss how climate change is affecting ice shelves in Antarctica. Suitable for 16 years plus.


Here, you can watch a more advanced lecture (1 hr) given by Dr Bethan Davies on climate change and her research in Antarctica. This video is suitable for undergraduate or postgraduate students or researchers.

In 2022, the Royal Meteorological Society hosted an online event that explored the impact of climate change at the world’s three poles: the Arctic, the Antarctic and the Himalaya, in partnership with the Grantham Institute.

1 thought on “Free talks about Antarctica”

  1. Land ice refers to the ice that is situated on the bedrock of Antarctica. It covers the continent and comprises massive ice sheets, ice domes, and glaciers.

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