
I am on Twitter (@AntarcticGlacie). And so are many other field-based scientists. When I started using the hashtag #FieldPhotoFriday, so many people joined in that I had to storify it. We had photographs capturing a whole gamut of field experiences from a range of sciences. The places people go and what they get up to …

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Arctic Sea Ice

The Arctic’s sea ice extent reached an all-time low in September 2012, with the smallest recorded extent since satellite observations began. At 3.42 million square kilometres, it may still sound large, but this small extent of Arctic sea ice could have profound long-term consequences, and it follows a long trend of low sea ice conditions. …

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QRA funding

AntarcticGlaciers.org is very pleased to say that the Quaternary Research Association has agreed to fund and support our website!

Greenland Melting

In this new website, www.greenlandmelting.com, you can browse maps of the surface melt on Greenland in each year from 1979. You can also look at years with extreme melt events, such as 2010 and 2011.

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