The Role of Scientists as Communicators: From the Classroom to the Pub

Do you consider yourself a science communicator? Does your research group participate in public outreach? Do you have creative ways to engage non-technical audiences in your research? Have you ever evaluated your education and outreach efforts? If so, we invite you to share with us during an informative session titled The Role of Scientists as Communicators: From the Classroom to the Pub (ED038) at the 2013 AGU Fall Meeting in December.

Session Description

Scientists communicate to non-peer audiences through numerous pathways including websites, blogs, public lectures, media interviews, and educational collaborations. A considerable amount of time and money is invested in this public engagement and these efforts are to a large extent responsible for the public perception of science. However, few incentives exist for researchers to optimize their communication practices to ensure effective outreach. This session encourages critical reflection on the role of scientists as communicators and provides an opportunity for scientists to share their best practices, motivations, and ways in which outreach impacts can be evaluated. The oral session will include a discussion.

Invited Speakers

Confirmed invited speakers at this session include:

  • Prof. Martin Siegert (Bristol University)
  • Dr Michelle Thaller (NASA)

More information

Find out more information about this AGU Fall Meeting session here.

If you are interested, please submit your abstract to Education Session ED038 no later than August 6th, 2013. Information about abstract submission can be found here. Note that you can submit an abstract to an Education session in addition to another Science session. AGU abstract submission guidelines state,

“First Authors can have a maximum of one (1) contributed and one (1) invited abstract, or two (2) invited abstracts. The only exemption to this policy is the submission of (1) additional contributed abstract to an Education (ED) or Public Affairs (PA) session.”

Any questions? Email the conveners, or leave a reply in the comments box.

We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco,
Heidi A. Roop1, Rhian Salmon1, Bethan Davies2, and Thomas Wagner3

1) Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
2) Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK

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